Yesterday (Saturday) Brian went biking with our friend Steve. Due to a slight whiplash injury I couldn't go so instead I met Barbie for Breakfast at Denny's. After breakfast we went in to the mall and shopped for a swimsuit for Barbie, and I bought a new handbag and wallet. I got home right around the same time that Brian did, and we spent some time just cleaning up the house.
Later, we met Mike and Tara and went shopping for a plasma TV. Brian and I are looking at buying a 50" plasma TV in the next couple of weeks. We found an awesome price on one at the Home Theatre Store, but need to do a little more research online before we make a decision.
After TV shopping, we stopped at Costco to pick up some things for dinner and then picked up the boat. We launched the boat at City Park and motored over to The Pier where Bob Schneider way playing. We had dinner on the boat, which consisted of salad, pizza, and wine, then we sat back and relaxed under the stars and listened to the music from The Pier.
This morning I picked up some Mineral Spirits from Lowes to clean our wood floors. I've been trying tons of floor cleaners but nothing seems to make them shine and they all leave a dulling residue. The Mineral Spirits did the trick, though. Now the floors are super shiny and clean.
Today we are going over to Best Buy to check out a Panasonic Plasma TV, then we're going mountain biking in Georgetown.
Green Mac and Cheese
2 days ago