Not only does getting older bring you more to shave, but it also brings a variety of physical ailments that let you know that while you might have the maturity of a 15 year old, your body is wearing down. It sucks because when you're in your 20's, and somewhere near your physical peak, you lack the experience that you gain in your 30's to appreciate it. By the time you get into your 30's you're already struggling with gravity and those extra few lbs a year that creep onto your ass. Before you know it, you start looking up things on Web MD to find out what your latest sucky symptom is a sign of, and how to aleiviate it.
My particular problem today is back ache. And I'm not talking a slight dull pain that hurts when I walk. No, this one hurts when I sit. That's going to make the plane ride fun :-(
I'm not one to run to the doctor at the first sign of a sniffle, but yesterday, after about 2 hours in my office chair I couldn't handle the pain anymore and went to the doctor. She hooked me up with some vicodin and some muscle relaxers. I had THE best nights sleep EVER last night. I slept from 10pm to 8am, all the way through. Not even getting up to pee several times (another thing that age brings you).
Today, my back hurts still, and I'm hoping that resting will make it go away for the trip tomorrow. But if it doesn't, then I'll take a vicodin and pass out on the plane.
My timing on injuring myself is impeccable.
Green Mac and Cheese
2 days ago