Welcome to my diary. I use this diary to keep friends and family up-to-date with what Brian, Trent and I are doing. If anything fun or interesting happens, you can be sure to find a full account of it here. Feel free to post comments to any of my diary entries.
Trent got his first homework assignment this week... well, when I say Trent, I really mean me. The assignment is to make a simple photographic family tree.
Brian said that one "over achiever parent" had already turned theirs in. And I found myself questioning what theirs looked like so I could ensure that ours is better!!! WTF? it's a 2 year old's homework project! When did I become competitive?
Whenever Trent gets hurt, I always offer to kiss it better. Most of the time it works, too. I say "mummy kiss it better?" and he sobs "yeees". Then I say "is that better?" and he says "yeees - thankooomummy". Today, I opened the freezer to put something away and a frozen chicken breast attacked my by landing on my foot! Why is it that frozen stuff always lands right on your big toe? why does it hurt SOOOO bad??? And why does it make me swear so much???
As I stood there like a very pissed off flamingo on one foot, holding in all of the swear words that were rising to the surface like hot lava from a volcano, Trent came over and bent down and said "Trent kiss it better mummy!" and he kissed it. Then he got Bear to kiss it, too. And as I marvelled at how very sweet my little man is, do you know what happened? My toe stopped hurting. Moments like those are what makes it all seem worth it.
I live in Austin, Texas, in my opinion one of the greatest cities in the world. I'm married to the love of my life, Brian, and have an amazing baby boy, born on the 4th of July, 2007. I work to live, not live to work. Family and friends are the most important thing in my life.