Last night I caught a rare glimpse of my inner psycho. I was at a Suede concert and the usual craziness on the dance floor had commenced. A Bon Jovi number always riles up the crowd. I'm used to it, I can hold my own and not get pushed around. I usually just ignore rude people trying to displace me from my "spot" up front with the girls. But last night this random guy and his "friend" pushed me over the edge. First, she stepped on my toe with a stiletto heel. FREAKING OUCH! drew blood, damn near impaled me. It felt like someone tried to drive a 6 inch nail through my foot. Now I know how Jesus felt!
Meanwhile the guy is trying to high-five Robert (who is completely ignoring him), and in the process elbowing me in the head and shoving his armpit in my face. After about the 6th blow to the head I lost it. Completely lost it. So during his final elbow blow to my head, I threw an elbow into his kidney, pushed him out of my way, then I got in his face and proceeded to scream at him, at the top of my lungs that if he so much as knocked me one more time I would go medieval on his ass! (a few choice swear words thown in for good measure). He tried to deny that it was him, but seeing that I was over the edge he wisely backed away and gave me some space while I lectured him on how the dance floor was for everyone and you just don't treat people around you like that.
Then, as quickly as the psycho came out, she was back in her cage and I was once again shaking my booty on the dance floor. Yea. I'm a little scary.
Green Mac and Cheese
2 days ago