Yesterday was a crappy day all round. I had my yearly review from my old manager, and got a rating that was less than I was hoping for. I expressed my disappointment to him and sent an e-mail to him asking for more explaination. In the afternoon I took Brian to pick up his car from Honda, where it was getting a service and inspection. On my way home, and only 2 miles from the house, I got rear-ended by a guy going quite a bit faster than me. I was doing about 30 because someone ahead of me made a right turn, but the guy behind me never slowed down, and was going about 55 or so.
I was on the phone to Daz at the time and it came as a complete surprise to me. It knocked the phone out of my hands, and whipped my head forward then back quite violently. We both stopped and I realized we were in major traffic so I gestured for the guy who hit me to follow me to a side street, which he did. As I got out of the car I was shaking so bad. I checked that he was ok, and actually found myself thanking him for stopping! I guess my lack of faith in humanity has jaded me into thinking that most people would have just drove off.
We assessed the damage to our cars and exchanged insurance information. A police officer was at the gas station nearby and he came over to ask if we had called the police. We said no and he said he didn't think it would be necessary because we had exchanged information. After I left the scene I went home and immediately called my insurance company, then made a claim on his insurance.
And then I sat down and just got totally overwhelmed by my crappy day and by the time Brian got home I was a big snotty, bug-eyed, sobbing wreck. Poor Brian. He looked mortified when he saw me and his mind immediately went to the animals, thinking that something happened to one of the cats or the fish. Thankfully it was something easily fixed. I wasn't upset about the car. It's just stuff and it will get fixed. I guess I was just stressed out from a bad day that got worse.
After I had calmed down we went for a run, and all the negative energy from my day manifested itself into a great run.
When we got back Daz called to check on me. I guess it's pretty scary to be talking to someone on the phone and hear them get into an accident. Anyway, thanks, Daz, for calling. That's a record! 2 calls in one day. It's almost like it's my birthday or something ;-)
Anyway, we called Joan (Brian's mum) for some advice on what to do next and she was very helpful. Then we went to Papasito's for margaritas and fajitas and I tried to forget the stress of the day.
Today I woke up with back and neck pain, which was expected. Though it's not really bad, and I can it's just muscular pain. I am uncomfortable, though. Right now I'm sitting on the couch with a heat pad on my back.
I'm hoping that my bad day yesterday was karma's way of ending my year by flushing out the bad things that could happen to me and clearing the plate for a great year full of good karma.
On the bright side of things, althoug poor Ruby Sue (my car) is a bit mangled, at least I'll get the bumper fixed from that time that stupid woman backed into me in the Target parking lot!
Well, happy birthday to me.
Green Mac and Cheese
3 days ago
BIG HUGS from us. That is an overwhelming amount of stuff for one day! We love you. Today will be better and it is your birthday...the day all about you!!!
Jenn & Ethan
Happy 23rd birthday Amanda!
Hahaha! Thank's Wassim! You're the only person to guess my REAL age ;-)
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