I'm usually so busy living life that I don't always spend the time to stop and appreciate just how great my life really is. When spring comes and I find myself spending time outside with friends, the sun shining on us and a cool breeze blowing, it really makes me take stock of my life. There are 2 sides to every life, the things you sacrifice and the things you pursue.... I've sacrificed living in my home country near my family, which sometimes takes its toll on me, to pursue a life in America. I miss them dearly. I overcome my homesickness by focusing on the great things in my life. I have the most wonderful friends. A core group of girls who I can truly be myself with. Andi and I were talking about that today. We're all like sisters and we can really just be our goofy selves, no pretenses, around each other. I miss my "real" sisters so very much, and I'm sometimes envious of their friendship, but I chose this life and I chose all the girls who I now call my sisters here. As if that wasn't enough, I have Brian. Truly the most wonderful, sweet, caring man I've ever met. Funny, gorgeous, romantic, silly... The list goes on. In 41 short days Brian will be my husband! it just sounds so funny to say it. And as the day approaches, people ask me if I'm nervous. The answer is no I'm not nervous. There's no doubt in my mind at all that Brian is the one want to be with forever. I'm excited and optimistic about the future. I'm looking forward to marrying him on the beach surrounded by everyone we love. I'm looking forward to being his wife. I'm looking forward to being a parent. I'm even looking forward to being a grandparent. I'm also looking forward to the day we both retire and buy a sail boat to live on and sail around the world.
{inhaling deeply} those are some great smelling roses :-)
Green Mac and Cheese
3 days ago
hi amanda! it's terri. boo boo, joe and i had so much fun having y'all over at our house this past weekend. you've found a really great guy in brian, and i am so happy for you two!
Hey, Terri! So glad to see you're found your way to our site. We had fun hanging out with you guys. Let's not leave it too long till the next time!
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