Well, we're on the last leg of our trip now. We've seen some amazing things, eaten lots of weird food, which we've really enjoyed, and have soaked up some Asian culture. We're now in Hong Kong. Today we took a tour of the city, which took us up Victoria Peak for an amazing view of Hong Kong from above, then to stanly market for some shopping, and to the aberdeen floating community where we took a water taxi around to get a look at all the people living on boats and working the floating market.
Bali was beautiful and a real eye opener as far as the culture goes. We took two days worth of tours, including a trek through the rice terraces, which was wonderful. Our guide showed us all the different types of rice, and picked fruit from the trees for us to try. There's a fruit here that I really like, the Dragon Fruit, which I've never seen before and I love it. In Bali, I also tried the Durain fruit, which we saw on one of the discovery channel shows and is the smelliest fruit in the world. It smells like hell but tastes like heaven, apparently, and they were not kidding. It did smell really bad, but I liked the taste. The only problem is that you burp it for hours afterwards and we all stunk up the car ;-)
The houses in Bali are really weird, too. I'll explain more later, but bascially, they are pretty much out in the open and only the beds are covered, and the kitchen. No privacy, whatsoever. It makes you realize how spoiled you really are when you see cultures like this.
So only one full day to go now, and then we'll be on our way home. We leave at 1:30pm on thursday, and arrive at 9:30am the same day in LA, so we're going back in time ;-). Maybe this is the secret to staying young?
Anyway, we're happy that we got to take this amazing trip, and we have lots of stories to tell and pictures to show, which we may bore you with whenever you come for a visit, but we are both very excited to come home and resume our normal lives. We miss our cats and friends, and we miss hanging out on the couch in the evenings. So we hope to see all our Austin friends this coming weekend so that we can feel back to normal.
I haven't missed work one bit ;-)(sorry guys)
(Hi Wassim - We're thinking about you slaving away while we're out here NOT thinking about PDE).
Green Mac and Cheese
3 days ago
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