Today was training day 7. We worked on chest and abs. We used 2 different machines this time, plus the roman chair. Chris showed me the difference between working just a small set of the abdominals, and working all of it. Today I felt a little low on energy so I only did 20 mins of cardio.
On to the subject of baby stuff... Erin's sister loaned me the most informative book ever for new parents. It's called Baby Bargains. It cuts through all the crap that the baby stores want you to buy and tells you the good and bad about all aspects of buying for baby. It has reviews on strollers, monitors, breast pumps, car seats, you name it... and it also very clearly tells you how much of everything you will need. So no guessing. It also tells you what is a waste of money. Like Diaper Stackers and Changing Tables! what the hell is wrong with the floor? Or the bathroom counter? or the couch? people who buy these expensive changing tables are just idiots.
Did you know that in the first 6 weeks of life, a baby will go through 600 nappies??? (that's diapers to you yankies). I could only wish for a digestive system that's that ative these days!
The secret... well obviously I'm not going to spill the beans!! what kind of friend would I be if I blogged it to the world? It's going in the vault along with many other dirty little secrets I've collected over the years. Only the very privileged know these secrets. You know who you are ;-) Some day, I may write my memoires and confess all, and possibly implicate some guilty people, but I promise I'll wait until those it could hurt are long dead before I do - unless you do something that negates your vault priviledges, but so far very few people have managed that ;-)
Green Mac and Cheese
2 days ago
A good friend of mine has a 2 1/2 year old boy. I hang out with them pretty often. He's taught me that there are a LOT of things babies don't need. You can get pretty far in their first year, with kitchen stuff as a majority of his toys. Containers and lids, big spoons... spatulas are pretty fun for flipping things. :) He makes due pretty well with a diaper bag, high chair and car seat. No stroller, bouncy chair, walker, swing, etc.
i've been slow in catching up with all my friends' blogs, so a much belated CONGRATULATIONS!!! that's so awesome that you and brian are having a baby! that's so exciting. and yes, just bully brian into liking whatever name you choose. congratulations!
Your blog has become heavily geared towards women in recent weeks. It's like watching the Oxygen network (which I do, religiously :)
Please don't forget about your male readers who come to your blog to read about the latest Brian misadventures (cactus-related or otherwise).
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