Today I just flat out woke up on the wrong side of a good mood. I'm not typically moody. Most people will attest that I'm a generally cheerful person with a positive outlook on life. Today was kind of a blue Monday. I found myself a little irritable/impatient this morning and as the day progressed it just got worse. I feel like my boiling point is low today and I've been trying real hard to keep a lid on it. I haven't blown up, I've just gently simmered inwardly, trying not to inflict my blue mood on others. I realized why I was feeling this way when Barbie asked me if I had the receipt for the wood floors because the buyer wanted to confirm that they were actually wood and not laminate. I then blew up. Over a receipt. I knew it was a ridiculous thing to get mad about, but I was powerless to stop it. Then the irrational behaviour came. I wanted to back out of the deal. However, real estate contracts are not set up in a manner that allows the seller to back out of a deal, so we're stuck with these people who are pissing me off to no end. As I watched myself reacting to this tiny little request that ordinarily would be no big deal, it was like I was outside of my own body and unable to do anything to affect the situation.
When I got home, Brian sat me down and talked to me about all the reasons why we should just put up with it.
After he talked some sense into me, I put on my iPod and went for a walk to clear my head and get some fresh air. It turned into a run, though. I couldn't just walk. As I started running my body complained a little but I pushed on, and eventually I got to a comfortable pace. My breathing was a little laboured at first and I had to walk briefly. The kid was all kinds of bouncing around in there and I could feel him bouncing against my bladder, which didn't feel great but not bad enough to stop. I did about 2.5 miles in all, and probably walked for .5 of it. The second part of my run consisted of over a mile of running (no walking). I haven't lost my running mojo! it's just toned down for now.
When I got home I felt so much better. My head was clearer and I felt like my calm self again. Phew!
It's good to know that a head-clearing run also works on hormone driven irrationality.
Green Mac and Cheese
3 days ago
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