The kid has become a total nightmare! I'm convinced he's in there partying like a rock star because it seems like he's constantly moving. The only time he's still is when either I'm moving, or someone puts their hand (invited) on my stomach to feel the moving. Then he turns into a statue!
It's particularly bad after I eat. About 5 minutes after my last bite I feel this flopping around in my stomach, and a periodical prod in an internal organ. It's SO GROSS! I can't even begin to describe the feeling. It's just unpleasant!
Another unpleasant symptom of pregnancy is the nose bleeds. Yea. They don't tell you about those, but apparently because of your increased blood volume the capilaries nearest the skin (like those in your nose) are more susceptible to breaking. Lovely!
I still have not had a zit free day since last October. Today's fresh crop is under my right eye and on the left side of my chin. Both look like I'm trying to sprout a new facial feature.
And let's talk about my hair for a second. It's become lifeless and weird. It looks fine right after I dry it, then 10 minutes later it looks like I just got out of bed! Oh, and let's not forget to mention the itchy scalp! Yea, it's only on the sides by my ears, but JEEZUS does it itch!
And finally, as if I didn't have enough to bitch about, my feet no longer fit comfortably into ANY of my super cute sandals! I hope it's due to a slight swelling, which will hopefully go down in the future, and not because my feet have grown and will never go back!
Thanks, kid! not only are you making your mother FAT, but you're also making her UGLY, and itchy, with giant feet. Love ya!
Green Mac and Cheese
3 days ago
Oh great! I'm in trouble then because my hair is flatter and seemingly thinner than usual. Maybe I'll be one of those women whose scalps are visible!!!! ACK! AAAAAAAACK!!!!
As they say, "pregnancy is such a magical time" :)
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