This weekend I tried to do things that I won't have much opportunity to do over the next several months. On Friday we had Barbie, Scott, Michelle & Brian over for dinner. We just ordered out so that I wouldn't have to do a whole bunch of cooking. Michelle and I spent some time relaxing on the trampoline. I saw a satellite pass over head.
Saturday during the day was spent doing house work (and yard work for Brian), followed by a fun evening downtown with Nick, Kitty, Mike & Tara. We got scammed at the parking lot on 7th street. We parked and the attendant was nowhere to be found, then this homeless looking guy came out from between some cars and charged us $7 to park, which we handed over, but then when he didn't give us a receipt I questioned him. He made a grand show of going over to the adjacent parking lot to get us a ticket, but came back without one. At this point I was sick of waiting and just said "whatever". When we got back to our car, thankfully it had not been towed, but the REAL parking attendant asked us to pay! we told him we paid the homeless guy, and he then informed us we got scammed. So lesson learned. ALL of the parking lot attendants at the pay parking lots downtown wear shirts with the parking lot logo on them, and they ALWAYS give you a ticket for your dash.
Sunday was spent doing more things around the house, and mostly relaxing for me. I did clean out the refrigerator in the garage, which had started to grow black spores from being left unplugged with the doors closed. We had to replace a breaker so that we could run the fridge but now we have a beer fridge and overflow freezer, which is a good thing since Costco is keeping our regular freezer stuffed to the gills!
Sunday night I left Brian to watch the DVR loaded with bass fishing and racing shows and I headed downtown to see Brian Lee in his new cover band "Suede" at Cedar Street. Barbie, Michelle, Andi & Mike were there, too. It was an awesome show and we couldn't believe how many people showed up on a Sunday night. I got home a little after 1am.
In all, it was a great weekend, only momentarily punctuated by my frustrations about being pregnant and ready to get this thing over with!
Green Mac and Cheese
3 days ago
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