Trent got sent home from daycare on Thursday because he threw up and with all the bugs that are going around that place they didn't want to take a chance. Of course, that meant that he couldn't go on Friday, either. So we've had a LOT of family time over the weekend.
This is the first year in many that I've actually mustered up enough holiday spirit to deck the halls... well, not really the halls, but the front yard. I wrapped both the trees in lights and also the bay window. It looks decent. Of course, nothing compared to the other houses in the land of Stepford. But it's an honorable mention at least. This isn't the tree trimming I alluded to in the title of this blog, though. The misadventure I'm referring to involves Brian's good intentions in being a good proactive and responsible home owner. The big tree in our back yard has been touching the roof since we moved in, and on a windy day you can hear it scraping if you stand in the closet.
Brian diligently set about it with the tree saw and cut away some of the branches, but managed to get the trimmer stuck in the tree about 25 feet up. Not a big deal, right? But the ladder is too short to get on the roof so we couldn't climb up there to free the trimmer, and besides, both of us are a little intimidated by heights. So Brian, problem solver that he is, decides that throwing a rope, weighted on one end, over the branch so he can pull it down, thereby releasing the trimmer, would be the next course of action. Only we don't have a rope. But we do have a 100 foot extension cord. So he enlists my help in tying a small log to one end of the cord, and he throws it into the tree. And it never came down. At this point he's getting a bit pissed off and I'm having a hard time controlling myself from laughing my arse off. He yanks on the cord and it doesn't budge. I have to go indoors so he can't hear me cracking up. When I compose myself, I assist him in getting the extension cord out of the tree, thankfully it did eventually come free. Then I watched, all the while trying to hide my amusement as he tried using numerous household items to free the trimmer. A broom that was too short, a fishing rod case, throwing logs at the branch imprisoning the trimmer. Eventually my amusement gave way to annoyance because he was becoming obsessive about it. I eventually convinced him to leave it for the evening, go out with his friends, and fuhgeddaboutit. I kind of wish I had taken a picture of the extension cord and the trimmer stuck in the tree. It was funnier to see it than I can do justice in this story.
The next day, Brian borrowed Scott's trimmer and was able to free ours from the tree. A happy ending. And a big thank you to Brian for taking such great care of our home. When I met Brian he was pretty useless around the house. He could barely do the dishes and forget about any kind of maintenance. But over the years he's become very handy, thanks in part to our great friend Mike, who is the handiest person I know.
In other news I'm off work for the rest of the year. Well, when I say off work, what I really mean is that I'll be checking in daily to ensure there are no critical issues for me deal with, and after handling any necessary crises I'll be spending my days leisurely. Today, for example, Trent is at daycare and I plan to work out, have lunch with Mike, get a pedicure, and finish up my xmas shopping. Doesn't that sound like the best relaxing day? Last night, Brian helped kick off my official vacation with a delicious trip to my favourite sushi bar while Aunt Tara spent some quality time with Trent. We're so lucky to have such great friends.
I could spend some time today sending out xmas cards... but I'm just not inclined this year. So please, nobody be offended when you don't get a card from us. It's not that I'm not thinking about you. It's just that my time has become very precious and I'd rather spend it elsewhere.
And finally, an update on Prince William. On Sunday he looked like he might not make it again, but I repeated the steps previously taken, and today he's right as rain. Prince William just keeps on ticking.
Only 9 days until mum and dad arrive... and counting. There's so much I'm looking forward to this holiday season.
Green Mac and Cheese
2 days ago
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