Where to begin? We spent so much quality time with those we love this holiday season that it's restored my holiday spirit. I don't remember a Christmas I've enjoyed more than this one. We set off for Houston early on xmas eve and arrived around noon, just in time to lend a hand in the kitchen as Joan was preparing the xmas feast. Mum and dad got their very own ornament on the Bauman tree this year, plus an identical one to put on their own tree at home. The usual Bauman tradition is to open presents on xmas eve, then open the "santa" gifts on xmas day, but my family has always opened gifts on xmas day. This year my Texas family adopted my family tradition and opened the gifts on xmas day, which meant so much to me. I remember as a kid rushing down the stairs with the joy of xmas morning on my face and as I opened each gift running up the stairs in delight to my parents, who were having a (very early) morning cup of tea in bed, and showing them what I got (like they didn't know!). I dearly want Trent to follow this same tradition so that I can see the joy on his little face on xmas morning after all the anticipation.
On xmas day, Joan relinquished her kitchen to me and mum and leant a helping hand as we whipped up a traditional English meal. Not a traditional English xmas meal, because that would involve turkey, which we already had at Thanksgiving. Instead, mum and I did roast beef and Yorkshire puddings with, roasted and mashed potatoes, Paxo stuffing balls and Bisto gravy, followed by a Triffle made with spice cake and pears, Bird's custard, and whipped cream. We even popped the xmas crackers and wore the silly paper hats, as is the tradition in England.
It took us almost the entire day to get through all the xmas presents under the tree. We opened them one by one, which is not how we do it in England, but I MUCH prefer this way because you get to take your time and savor the moment. Then in the evening we opened the "Santa" gifts.
Trent was the picture of a perfect little boy the whole day, napping, eating, and playing with both sets of grandparents.
We headed back to Austin on boxing day. During their visit, my parents took Trent out for walks every day, sometimes twice a day and he came home happy and ready for some food. We cooked meals at home and went to a few key places for dinners including the Salt Lick, which my parents had never experienced and both agreed was well worth the long drive. We shopped for electronics that are more expensive in England and my parents stuffed all kinds of goodies into their suitcases when they left, including a Nintendo Wii, an Ipod, and all the cool things they got for xmas. We got dad a Kodak digital picture frame, which we pre-loaded with pictures of Trent, our wedding, and pictures from our last visit to England with them. We got mum a gorgeous multi-gem necklace and earrings, and both got various other small presents, including their favorite thing, a mug with a picture of Trent each. Now they can enjoy seeing his little smiling face every morning with their cup of tea. We had so much fun shopping for xmas presents this year because it was the first time that we've not had to worry about mailing something and having it lost or broken.
New year's eve came so quickly and we had all our closest friends over to celebrate with us. At 6pm Austin time we gave Aunt Glenys and Uncle Terry a call to ring in the new year as we listened to the chime of Big Ben and watched the firework display over the River Thames. I always get so sentimental about Big Ben. It wouldn't be New Year if I didn't hear his chime. We ran in the new year in Austin with a round of shots which I most certainly should not have done because I spent my entire new year's day over the toilet in one manner or another. Fortunately Trent chose this day to be the model baby and he hung out with his Daddy, Nanny and Gandy most of the day.
During their stay, Mike and Tara came over with their new Wii and mum and I went several rounds with some tough guys on the boxing game. It was absolutely hilarious to see mum boxing. We played tennis and bowling, too and afterwards my parents were hooked. The evening before they left, we played Wii for many hours on their new console.
And now comes the sad part of the holiday. Time to go home. We dropped Trent off at daycare and Nanny and Gandy said their tearful goodbyes, and as I tearfully left them at security at Bergstrom, I left bawling like a big baby, but consoling myself with the fact that I'll see them in September when we meet them in Spain after our trip to Switzerland for Benoit and Nadia's wedding.
Green Mac and Cheese
2 days ago
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