So after our first taste of Rock Band, we are addicted. Last night we went over to Rob & Jenn's to play Rock Band. Rob had been obsessively playing over the past couple of weeks and had unlocked a bunch of new songs. Oh what fun! We have no plans to buy a Wii so we'll have to be satisfied with playing at our friend's houses.
Trent seemed to have a good time last night. He's been such a great kid lately. He's started taking more interest in his toys and at bed time he's incredibly sweet and just goes down with no fuss at all. Of course, the moment I say that things will change, as they so often have done in the past. But for now, we're counting our blessings that we have, for the first time in a year, an easy baby!
And speaking of a year, we can't believe that in 2 days our sweet little baby will be a year old. It was one year ago that I was getting fed up of my HUGE feet (arse and boobs as well).
In 2 days I'll have hit the threshold where it's no longer impressive to have lost all the baby weight. It's expected.
Start of semi-rant:
If by one year you haven't lost your baby weight, then you're just unmotivated. People who use pregnancy as an excuse to be less than satisfied with their weight and self image a year down the road (note that I am not saying to be overweight because people can be overweight and still perfectly happy with their weight and self image), are just plain lazy. I might get some crap for that opinion, but this is my blog and if you want to express your opinion, then get your own blog.
Anyway, I have an acceptable weight threshold and anything over it requires a change in lifestyle to remove the offending poundage. Note that I did not say diet. Diets are the least effective way to control your weight. This is basic common sense. You diet, you lose the weight, you stop the diet, what do you think is gonna happen? you think going back to your pre-diet eating habits are gonna help keep the weight you've lost off? no. So unless you intend to stay on the diet FOREVER, then you might as well just not bother at all. Instead of dieting, why not eat whatever you want, just be reasonable about it. Metabolisms don't just slow down as you get older. You make them slow down by the lifestyle you live. I believe that if you eat frequent, small meals during the day, and you exercise regularly, your metabolism will be the same as it was when you were in your 20's even in your dreaded mid 30's.
I'm not saying that I'm the poster child for healthy living and weight management, though. Not by a long shot. I'm just saying quit bitching about your weight, quit dieting, commit to changing your bad habits, and use your loaf. People say how they are "falling off the wagon" when they cheat on their diets. If you don't get on the bloody wagon to begin with then you can't fall off, can you?.
:End of semi-rant.
Glad I got that off my chest. Now I need to go do some chores before my boys get home.
Green Mac and Cheese
2 days ago
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