ok, this is my final post before we leave for our much anticipated trip. Over the last week I've made the transition from freaking out a little about taking a toddler on a plane for 10 hours, to being actually excited about the trip. Good news, Benoit is coming to meet us in Zurich and will ride the train to Fribourg with us. That will take some of the stress out of trying to find your way around a foreign land. I'm quite looking forward to exercising my newly polished French language skills with Ben and Nadia. Hopefully I will do ok.
Today I opted to take a vacation day. It wasn't part of my original plan, but I realized I needed to have a somewhat relaxing, work free day prior to the trip just for my mental well-being. So we spent the weekend prepping the house and doing last minute shopping. On Saturday, Aunt Tara took Trent for a few hours and Brian and I busied ourselves with cleaning up the house. I hate to come home from a trip to a messy house. Brian, being a huge slob, doesn't mind it, but he's been humoring me by completing his honey-do list with no complaints.
I found the time during my busy weekend to get one last Suede show in. Michelle and I met up at Cuba Libre for drinks and appetizers, then made our way over to Cedar St. a little after 11. We closed out the night there and as always, had such a blast dancing and oogling the eye candy on the stage. Usually at Cedar St. you don't get many stupid drunk people, but that night I had to threaten a very drunk guy with bodily injury if he touched my arse one more time while I was dancing. Lucky for him he got the message. He and his friend later apologized to me. Ok, I was a little feisty that night.
On Sunday we spent some time at the outlet malls picking up the final things we would need for our trip, then ate lunch at Chilli's. The remainder of Sunday was spent playing and hanging out with Trent, then dinner at my favourite sushi place, Sushi Sake, with Mike, Tara, and Austin for Mike's birthday. I feel like all of my friends are catching up to me now. I might still be the old lady in the group, but at least I don't feel like it! Oh, you'll all be happy to know that I slayed the sasquatch last night in a fury of hot wax and tweezers. RIP sasquatch.
Today Trent is spending the day at daycare while Brian and I pack. I'm taking a break right now and having my second cup of tea of the morning. Today is definitely a 2 cup morning. I was sleeping so hard this morning and when I woke up I felt so groggy. The fog is lifting though. I'm feeling a bit sloth-like, though because I haven't ran or been to the gym in many days. Just not enough time. I'm going to try to get a run in this evening, which will likely be the last time I work out for 2 weeks. Hopefully I won't be smuggling any extra arse back to the US in my trousers when we come back ;-)
I taked to mum and dad on the webcam yesterday, and they are very excited to see us in only one week! They'll be waiting in the hotel reception when we arrive in Spain. I can barely stand to wait! The only bummer is that it will all be over too quickly, but mum and I will remedy that by planning our next trip almost as soon as we get back! We're thinking Mexico next year.
The rest of my day is looking quite leasurely and right now I feel a sense of calm. Barbie has exactly 16 hours to push that baby out before I have to leave for the airport, otherwise I'm requesting that she (the baby) politely waits for my return ;-)
All kidding aside, I'm extremely disappointed that I won't get to meet my new niece when she's born, and that I can't be there to be moral support and bouncer for Barbie while she's doing her thing. But I know she's in good hands. The good news is that I'll have something to look forward to when I get back. I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait to meet the little bugger. I hope she has Barbie's dimples :-)
You ladies be good while I'm gone. I love you (smooooooooooooooooch!)
~Amanda out
Green Mac and Cheese
3 days ago
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