I realized the other day that I no longer use the word "you" in its plural form (which is still "you") and instead I use "you guys". Even when I'm referring to women. I do this because in America, using you as plural confuses people and they think you're addressing just one person in a group. At least that's been my experience. I don't like how "you guys" sounds, so....
I'm going to embrace my Texanism:
Coming to a conversation near you soon...
As in "y'all better not be makin' fun of my accent when I say y'all".
Green Mac and Cheese
16 hours ago
Lesson two: The plural of "y'all" is "all y'all".
I do love "y'all". It sounds a little backwards, but is so gender non-specific, I love it!
LOL! I'm working my way up to "all y'all". I'll be incorporating that into conversations in 1Q2009 :-)
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