I just want to point out that I am not one year older. I am only one day older than I was yesterday. My day started off pretty well, but had a few minor hiccups in it as the day progressed. Brian and Trent treated me to breakfast today. I had that delicious coffee cake with the raspberry cheesecake stripe down it! mmmm! I got to open a present from Kevin & Darice. I am now hooked up with a Bluetooth headset to go with my awesome new phone :-)
Then I got a call from mum and dad on Google Video Chat. That turned out to have way better video and sound quality than we've experienced lately on Skype. I also learned that my mum is on Facebook! That's so cool!
About 30 mins or so into our chat, my great morning started to take a turn... my laptop crashed. No blue screen, no warning message. Just flat out turned itself off and then refused to boot. I tried a bunch of things to get it back up, including safe mode, recovery mode, and even swearing like a sailor mode. Finally I resigned myself to having to take it in for recovery by the pros at work, and set about getting my other laptop up and connected to the intranet. Lucky for me I have 2!! Meanwhile I'm still desperately trying to boot my regular laptop. After about 15 or so reboots, it came back!!! Tenacity does pay off. But that little eye-opener prompted me to continue to get laptop #2 connected and loaded with everything I use on a daily basis, should this happen again.
Next, I had to set up an appointment for Onyx to see the vet. She has blood in her urine again, and I was tired of schlepping the poor cat 15 minutes in the car to our old vet, plus she always wants to run a barrage of tests on her that cost a fortune. So I switched Onyx to a new vet who is only 5 mins away. Onyx didn't even put up a fight when I shoved her into the carrier. A sure sign she's not feeling well. I like our new vet. He seemed a lot less judgemental than our previous one when I said I wasn't interested in running a bunch of tests, and wanted to just make Onyx as comfy as possible. He didn't even take blood or urine, but instead read her file that they had retrieved from our previous vet, made an educated guess on what could be wrong, and we're treating for that to see if it helps. He thinks she has sterile cystitis. We're giving her a special diet and an anti-inflamatory. If Onyx responds to the treatment, then we'll do some kidney tests to make sure that her kidneys can handle the medication. I am pretty sure our previous vet would never have prescribed something without a mountain of tests, so this makes me very happy.
Ok, so one disaster averted and one positive prognosis for the cat has rescued my day. I'm looking forward to dinner with friends this evening.
Green Mac and Cheese
3 days ago
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