- He's been talking in sentences, such as "more cheese please" (accompanied by signs for each word), expressing what he'd like to eat (and getting a little pissy when he doesn't get it) for example, he wanted ice cream for breakfast yesterday, but he settled for yogurt.
- Bed time is never a fight anymore. He willingly goes to bed and calls out "I love you mummy!" as I go down stairs.
- He knows about 50 signs and on our walks to the park he enjoys playing "show mummy the sign for....".
- He's starting to understand colours and during our walks to the park we play "what colour is mummy's shirt" where I name a colour, he repeats it, and we both say "naaaww!" if it's the wrong colour until we ge to the right one and we nod and say "YEEEEESS!"
- If you say "one, two..." he'll say "three, four, five".
- After the recent hail storm, we went out for a walk (because the weather in TX is crazy like that) and he was so amazed at all the ice laying around he kept pointing and saying "Ice! Ice!" (he tried to eat some, too)
- He can build things really well with lego. Last night we built tunnels for his train to go through and he clapped every time the train made it through a tunnel.
- He has mastered the stairs.
Green Mac and Cheese
15 hours ago
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