Yesterday, after all of our water fun in the back yard, Trent asked to go play in the pool. When we got there, there were 2 teenage girls in the water and Trent wanted to go over and see what they were doing. When we got there he started to laugh a lot and kept jumping off the side of the pool (into my arms) and checking to see if they were watching him. He was completely showing off for the ladies. They were cracking up and so was I.
Trent is really starting to love the pool and is starting to understand the concept of swimming, although he's not ready to actually try it yet. I need to get him a floaty bathing suit!
Green Mac and Cheese
3 days ago
Hi Mand, it's Lisa Hankey (Poole) just found you blog and since i've been up since 5.45am thought i'd catch up on what you've been upto. Your little man is so cute never thought i'd see the day! I'll give your mum a ring so i can get your contact details so I can get in touch. Would love to see you all,speak to you soon Love Lisa,Rob,Bethany,Georgia and Oliver xxxxxx
LISA! OMG! I've been looking for you!
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Hi Mand, I've emailed you with my contact details,speak to you soon Lisa x
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