Thursday, June 30, 2005


The judge in the Dominican Republic confirmed our date!
May 20th, 2006 at 5pm

Trip to Dominican Republic: $1400.
Wedding dress: $400
Wedding legal fees: $300
Spending a week with your whole family in paradise, and dancing barefoot in the white sand with your new husband: PRICELESS


Sunday, June 26, 2005


Wooooo hoooooo!

We have found the most perfect and romantic place for our wedding. It's relatively inexpensive for our families to get there, and it's on the most beautiful beach I've ever seen.

Here's a link to the picture:


We're so fricking excited. I think I might pee my pants!

Friday, June 24, 2005


To have such awesome friends. Last night Jen E surprised me with a small gathering of my bestest girlfriends. We drank wine, and chatted. It was so cool. Turns out Brian was in on it too. My face when I walked in the door to find them all standing there was priceless. I was truly suprised!

I love my girls :-)

Monday, June 20, 2005

I've been agonizing over wedding destinations. Trying to accommodate everyone. Trying to make sure where we pick will have enough to do for everyone. B and I will be happy in the middle of nowhwere where we can hike up volcanos and through jungle, but others on the trip might require more civilized areas. We've gone back and forth over several places... Costa Rica, Belize, Barbados, Jamaica, Mexico. Today my mum helped me narrow it down by telling me that if we go to Jamaica, they can get an awesome deal from the UK with a couple of nice hotel options, AND my sister, Paula and her family will go!!! YAY! that's the whole family! I'm so happy. What makes me most happy about Paula going, aside from having BOTH my sisters at my wedding, is that my favourite nephew, Daniel, will be there.

Not sure where in Jamaica yet. We're leaning towards Negril because it faces west and we want a view of the sunset over the ocean from the balcony. Of course, all things are subject to me changing my mind every five minutes.

Mum and dad also asked if they could buy me my wedding dress. Awh... more than anything, the sentiment behind that just makes me tear up. Mum says she plans to wear something brightly coloured and tropical. It's gonna be SWEET!