I love our new TV. We got a new High Definitaion (HD) cable box yesterday from the cable company. It makes a huge difference.
I'm feeling pretty good today... Going to the gym, eating more healthy foods and running regularly, along with taking my vitamins seems to be paying off. I hope I can keep it up. I had a great run last night. I ran by myself because Brian's foot still hurt from when he tried to rescue me from the waterfall on Saturday. I practiced all the things I'd learned to say in Spanish (en Espanol) as I ran, which made the run go by really quickly. And speaking of Spanish, I am on my final lesson in the set. Lesson 10. I've retained 99% of what I've learned in the previous 9 lessons. I think I will move on to Spanish 2 next. I'm actually enjoying learning Spanish. I wish I had this kind of attention span when I was in school. Who knows what I could have accomplished. I might have been an astronaut! Of course, then I might not have met my wonderful future husband... so I guess it all works out :-)
Green Mac and Cheese
3 days ago
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