Sunday, January 07, 2007

Coming out!

I'm coming out of the closet today. All of our close friends and family have already been notified, so this is the last step in coming out of denial. Our lives are about to change completely. No longer will we be able to go out whenever we want, get up whenever we want, or take mini vacations on a whim. Our friends will think twice before inviting us over, they'll also think twice before coming to our house. Yes, we are going to become parents. To a baby boy, to be precise, who will enter the world outside of his mother on or around July 4th, 2007.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I figured that was one of your secrets! That makes about 3 pregnancies I've learned about in the last 3 or so weeks.

Congrats to you both! I'm sure you'll love being parents. :D