Sunday, January 21, 2007

Happy 29th birthday to me!

Ok, so it's not really my 29th, but that's what I'm claiming because I can still get away with it and that's all you need to know! My birthday was awesome. I got up and went to the gym in the morning to get a good start on the day, then chatted with mum on the web cam while I drank my tea and ate my bagel (which is a birthday treat for me, as usually I have yogurt and fruit), then I headed in to work where my very thoughtful friend, Dana gave me yummy chocilates and a happy birthday baloon, and a card from my whole team. At lunch I went with Danna and Dana to get pedicures.
When I arrived home there was a big basket on my doorstep with a ballon and all kids of fruit and cookies and chocolate from my parents. I spent another 45 minutes on the web cam to my mum and dad, who was now home from work. Then Brian came home and I opened my birthday presents from him, his brother, and his parents. All gifts were awesome. Then we headed out for dinner with 22 of our dearest friends to Kobe Steakhouse. I haven't had a steak in about 5 months, so this was a real treat for me. We had so much fun. I can't imagine the day turning out any more perfect.

So thank you to all my family and friends who made my whole day so special. Everyone should be as lucky as me!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Amanda!

Brian never mentioned during our weekly department meeting that your birthday was coming up, so I did not know.

Mandie said...

Thanks! I just assumed it would be important enough to be an item on the agenda... I'll have to speak to Brian and set him straight!