Monday, February 19, 2007

Meet "The Kid"

Today we met The Kid. Sort of. It was our 21 week ultrasound. This is the one where they tell you the sex of the baby, but since we already knew, it was more a confirmation, and of course an anatomy scan to make sure all things are normal.

We're happy to report that The Kid has developed normally and is showing no signs of any problems.

And at the risk of embarassing The Kid, here's a picture of his junk (hopefully nobody will see this as inappropriate):

During the ultrasound, the ultrasound technician zoomed in on The Kid's face and we could clearly see him moving his mouth almost as though he was trying to speak to us. He was also very active. You could see his little feet going the whole time, and to put to rest Grandad Keith's fears that he will favour his right foot in football (soccer to you yanks), he was moving both feet equally.

And finally, my favourite picture....

Awh... he already takes after his mummy!


Terri said...

i can't wait to meet "the kid." i'm so excited you and brian will have a baby this summer!

Anonymous said...

Awe...look at HIM! Ethan says, "when Auntie's baby is here, I am going to show him my cool Spidermans. He will be my fwiend".

Mandie said...

The kid's gonna be soooo lucky to have so many "aunts" and "uncles". I'm kind of envious of him :-)