Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Pregnancy progression pictures

To accommodate all of my "remote" family and friends' requests for pictures... here it is:


Anonymous said...

Awww... While I'm excited you're moving into a new house, I'm sad you won't have the same cool background for all your photos! You look fantastic! I can't believe you're already halfway through. Yay!

Bobbi said...

Awesome photos! I have another friend who did the same thing. I wish it was still online, otherwise I'd share the link. :)

Can't wait to see the progression!

Terri said...

to be honest, i can't tell a difference between any of the pictures. you look great, amanda!

Mandie said...

Awh! thanks, guys... Given my high level of vanity, you can imagine that I'm mortified to be growing in seemingly all directions every day. It helps to get positive reinforcement that I'm not as gigantic as I feel!