The weekend was action packed! For you Brits reading this, Cinco de Mayo -- meaning 5th of may, is a Mexican holiday. It seems this weekend was the weekend that everybody chose to celebrate something. We had to skip a few parties but did attend several, which were awesome! Being the only sober (or at least non-drinking) person in a room is interesting. In the beginning of this pregnancy, I granted all of my friends ONE uninvited stomach groping opportunity. Several people cashed in their chips this weekend, and some people were even granted additional future opportunities because I was feeling charitable at the time. It's actually not as bad as I anticipated since I actually know the people doing the stomach groping. But strangers beware, you will get the full force of my indignation.
Speaking of Mexico, my parents are gonna be there tomorrow for a couple of weeks in celebration of my Dad's birthday and also his retirement! So congratulations, Dad, on reaching this milestone in life :-) We wish we could join you in Mexico, and we hope you have a wonderful holiday!
In addition to partying this weekend, we also did some redecorating. The Kid's room is now no longer girly pink, but is a rather more manly shade of blue. Since nobody will agree to let me paint while pregnant (though I think it's a load of crap), Brian had to paint the room himself. I felt awful and guilty the whole time because I know how much he hates to do it. And it damn near killed me to not be able to pick up a roller and help out. I actually love to paint. I did tape off all the baseboards, windows, and ceiling for him, though, which made the job much easier.
Brian put the crib together on Saturday morning and it is beautiful -- a big thank you to Grandma and Grandpa Bauman for hooking The Kid up with such a sweet bed. Sadly, in our eagerness to see the crib in its assembled glory, we neglected to measure the doorway to The Kid's room, and the crib wouldn't fit through the door! After partially disassembling it, we got it into the room and it looks wonderful! this is one lucky kid.
As far as pregnancy ailments, well now I've developed some weird pain in the balls of my feet. It's most pronounced at night when I get up to pee, and in the morning. It feels like my bones are bruised. I read that it could be due to a change in posture (due to pregnancy, obviously), which causes an uneven distribution of weight on the metatarsals. It makes sense I suppose, and the only way to relieve it is to get more supportive shoes. I guess my Crocs aren't doing a good job of being supportive, though they are roomy.
Today is our first childbirth class where we learn all the gory details about childbirth. The class is for 3 hours and we have one every Monday for 3 weeks. I'm hoping that the time spent in this class will actually be LONGER than the time spent in labour. Wishful thinking, I suppose. I am not very enthusiastic about taking this class. Sometimes it's better to just not know and go with the flow, than to be too informed. I think that your body will know what to do when the time comes, and if not, some bossy nurse is gonna tell you what to do. Plus I'm planning on getting drugs so hopefully I won't feel anything. Like I've said before, I could go my whole life and never experience the "miracle" of childbirth and be perfectly happy.
Tomorrow is Baby Care Basics. Hopefully they will teach me how to not vomit while changing a nappy (diaper to you yanks), and how to not put on his clothes backwards - yes I've done this to poor Ethan in his first few months of life.
Green Mac and Cheese
2 days ago
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