Despite the leaps and bounds Brian has made in his diet, still I worried that Trent would develop similar tastes and I'd become a McMommy. A slave to the McDrive thru because it's the only thing my kid will eat.
Last night, though, Trent demonstrated that he has picked up my tastes in food when he ate his dinner. I tried him on some lasagna by putting it in the food processor. He really liked it! then I gave him a stick of raw asparagus to chew on, not really thinking he'd do anything but bash it on his tray... but he made me so proud:

He chewed on it for about 20 minutes until it was mush, so I gave him a cooked piece the next time, which he also demolished. What a good boy!
The funny thing is that asparagus makes your pee smell funny, and this morning when I changed his diaper, it had that distinct asparagus pee smell. I find that so amusing!
Oh my boy is such a McCutie!
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