This weekend was fun. Brian graciously agreed to skip date night with me and Trent, and even gave up his indoor soccer game, so that I could spend some much needed "me" time. I went down to Cedar Street to see Brian Andrew Lee play for happy hour. Michelle, Barbie, Scott, Adam & Sara came also. After happy hour ended, I played 5th wheel for dinner with Barbie/Scott, Adam/Sara at Chinatown. We got free dessert because our waiter was flirting with me ;-0
On Saturday, we met up with Grandma and Grandpa downtown at Shady Grove for lunch. Trent hung out with Grandpa on the wall and flirted with everyone as they went in or out of the main restaurant. Then we went to pick up the race packets for Sunday. The Bauman boys were doing their very first "Tres Generations" fun run - The Schlotsky's Bun Run. Trent was bandit running it since he didn't register. On Saturday afternoon, Grandpa and Brian custom fit something to the top of our stairs so that we could attach the baby gate. They did a great job.
On Sunday we got up super early and headed downtown for the Bun Run. The race started at 8 so we left a few minutes before 7am to ensure we got parking. Trent was a little sleepy and a tad grumpy due to being woken up so early. He likes to sleep until about 7:45 most days :-)
We ran in to Julia while we were waiting for the race to start and she took a really cute picture of Trent (which you can see in his gallery).
When the boys started their race, Grandma and I waited just past the start line to catch a glimpse of them going out, then we waited and watched as the fastest people came in around 14 minutes. When the boys approached the finish line, they took Trent out of his jogger and he crossed the finish line on-foot, hand-in-hand with his daddy and grandpa. A proud moment, indeed :-) and he looked so cute in his soccer outfit from Great Aunt Pam and Great Uncle Mike, and his awesome Puma's from Uncle Kev and Aunt Darice.
Sunday afternoon, we worked on the garage a bit. I can't believe I forgot to mention a huge milestone for our friends - Mike and Tara moved into their new house a couple of weeks ago! More on that in a bit... Anyway, they moved their furniture out of our 3rd garage so now we actually have no more excuses and will have to actually organize it and hang things. So we made a dent in that work by breaking down all the boxes and getting rid of all the trash, and starting a pile of things to donate to charity. The boys also trimmed the palm trees in the back yard, though I can't remember if that was Saturday or Sunday... my days tend to blend together these days. I remember what I did, just not when :-)
Sunday afternoon we went to Mighty Fine Burger. I hadn't been there before. I can't say that it's the best burger I've ever had. Probably would give it a 4 out of 10 to be perfectly honest.
On Sunday evening we went over to Mike and Tara's for dinner and to check out the house now that they're all moved in. It turned out so beautiful. The sinks, tile, floors, counters, cabinets... everything all came together so beautifully.
In other news, Trent had his 9 month check up on Friday. It's hard to believe it's been 9 months already. He's now in the 50th percentile for height and weight, which we're happy about because he was rather small on his 6 month visit. He's now 28 inches tall and almost 20lbs. A few more months and he'll be able to ride in a front-facing car seat. When the nurse took blood to test his iron levels, Trent didn't even cry. Brian and I were so proud! He's hitting all the milestones and his early problems with colic and acid reflux are resolved. He's even been cold-free for a couple of weeks now! It kind of shows in his personality that he's feeling good these days. He's been much easier going lately, and has discovered a love for Cherios. We put a handfull on his high-chair tray when Brian and I eat dinner, and he just feeds himself and is very content. We have to trick him and feed him his regular baby food first, though, otherwise he only wants the Cheerios.
Green Mac and Cheese
2 days ago
1 comment:
The photo of Trent crossing the finish line on his own two feet just melts my heart. So sweet!!
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