This week has been very fun/busy for us and today is really our only day of not having plans. On Friday we had our usual family date night and Brian, Trent and I went to Macaroni Grill. Trent was a perfect little gentleman. He enjoyed some Italian bread and watched the world go by as we ate. Then he politely fell asleep.
On Saturday, Brian had a soccer game and Trent and I spent the afternoon playing in his room, then Aunt Barbie and Uncle Scotty came over and we all went to the pool. We started off in the kiddie pool and Trent wasn't too sure he liked it at first. Then when other kids came in he seemed to take that as a sign that it was ok. Then we took him into the big pool, which was rather a bit colder and he complained about the temperature briefly. He seemed very content to hold on to me tightly as we walked around, but he wasn't down with trying anything adventurous, like floating. I bought an infant float for him, but it seemed like he didn't feel secure enough in it. He seemed to have an OK time, but he wasn't giggling his head off. The pool might take a bit of getting used to.
After we dried off at home and Barbie and Scott left, Brian and Trent ran a few errands while I showered, then we headed off to Renee's house for a backyard BBQ. What a fun evening we had spending time with people we haven't seen in ages. Trent was a huge hit and it made Brian and me feel really good that our friends are so welcoming of Trent and don't see him as an inconvenience.
On sunday, Mother's day, you can read all about that here: Click me
On Monday, I took my MMA class at noon because my regular time on Tuesday was already taken up with other plans. It was just me and the instructor and I got some very good detail on things I need to correct in my stance and in my execution of certain kicks. It wasn't an ass-busting work out, but it was really great to see the difference in a properly executed kick vs. how I had been doing it.
Monday evening we went to Ztejas for dinner with Barbie and Scott - celebrating Barbie's nth birthday ;-). Going back many years now, Barbie bought me a birthday present and didn't have any wrapping paper, so she wrapped it in tin foil. We call it Ghettowrapped. It soon became a tradition for Barbie to give me Ghettowrapped gifts and would crack me up every time. So this year I got her a rather bulky present and Ghettowrapped it for her. We had a great dinner and Trent sat in a high-chair and ate his favourite thing, Cheerios, while we ate.
On Tuesday evening I went down town to join Michelle for happy hour at Cedar Street where Andrea was playing a gig. She did a lot of her original stuff and she and the band sounded so good! Andrea's family were there, too, so it was nice to get to hang out with them for a while. When I got home, Brian was a little frazzled because Trent's been going through a phase since he started crawling. He used to go to bed so nicely, but now, no matter how tired he is, he screams his head off when we put him in his crib because he'd rather be up crawling around and getting into mischief.
On Wednesday evening it was Brian's turn to go out. He had a soccer game and then went downtown with his team afterwards. Meanwhile the storm of the season was bearing down on NW Austin, complete with golf ball sized hail and funnel clouds! The band of storms completely missed downtown where Brian was, though. The news channel said that two tornadoes were spotted on the ground near our house and to go take cover, so I strapped Trent into his car seat and we went under the stairs while the worst of the storm passed. There wasn't really any need to do that in hindsight, but I know that when you hear a tornado, it's too late and so I wanted to make sure and be proactive. So we sat and I read Trent a story while we waited for the storm to pass. And Barbie called me a few times to give me updates since we couldn't see the TV from there, and since they're west of us, they had already seen the same storm come through.
Brian made it home in between the storms without incident and Trent was soundly asleep under the stairs when he got home :-)
So as I said, this evening is our only free evening this week... except that I have MMA class. And tomorrow we're heading to Houston where Trent will spend some quality time with Grandma and Grandpa, and Brian and I will get a whole day of alone time! YAY!
Green Mac and Cheese
15 hours ago
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