The weekend was so much fun and very productive. On Saturday, Trent slept in until 10am! consequently, so did we :-) what a polite thing to do. We had a leisurely breakfast followed by a 7 mile family run. Well, Trent took a nap for some of it - sleeping 'till 10am must have been very tiring for him. Afterwards we did our list of errands which consisted of Party City, in preparation for Trent's 4th of July birthday celebration, a lunch at Rudy's where Trent feasted on meat and flirted with everyone, then on to Costco, our favourite place to shop. After Costco we all took a nap, spent some time chasing Trent around upstairs while he cracked up, then we got ready for our night out.
Saturday night was Trent's first time to have a real babysitter. And by real babysitter, I mean someone who's not family. A huge thanks to Dana and Megan for taking such great care of our wee man. Brian and I were able to go downtown and see Suede play at Cedar St., which is always an awesome show. Many friends were there and us girls went up front to act like silly groupies while our men sat around drinking beer and talking about manly things. To round off our night, Brian and I had Ropolo's pizza before heading back to pick up Trent.
On Sunday, Trent slept in again. What a considerate baby! After breakfast we went to do some more errands, including picking out a birthday cake for Trent. We chose a Finding Nemo cake because it had squeeze toys on it that Trent can play with in the tub. We chose a cupcake cake and Trent will have his very own small cake for pictures and so he can smash it up and get good and messy. Stay tuned for pictures on that.
On Sunday afternoon we were super productive. Dana loaned us her carpet cleaner and we steam cleaned the whole upstairs, taking care of all the spots where Onyx puked. The carpets look brand new again! yay! Afterwards, we all spent time outside. Trent hung out in his exersaucer while I washed the Subie and Brian did some yard work.
Sunday evening we headed over to Mike and Tara's for grillin' and to break in their new game: ROCK BAND! What an awesome game that is! Trent helped play the drums and we all took turns playing the instruments and singing. Brian even sang, and he actually did a great job! I was so proud of him because I know he hates to sing. I found the drums extremely difficult. I'm not that coordinated. I can do the guitar but I'm by no means good at it. I bow to anyone who can play the guitar or drums for real.
We got home way later than we had intended, but we had so much fun!
Green Mac and Cheese
2 days ago