We've been teaching Trent sign language and basic skills such as clapping hands, high five, blowing kisses, etc. We show him how to do things, but you don't really know if it's registering, but we keep doing it. Recently, though, Trent has been demonstrating his understanding and actually using his newly acquired communication skills.
I found out at the grocery store as we were perusing the ice cream aisle, that he understands the words "clap hands" and "high five" without me actually doing the motions. I was so proud when I said "clap hands!" and he actually did it! I looked around for someone to say "did you see that??" to. But we were alone. Then I wondered what else he understood so I said "high five!" and he put his hand up and waited for me to do the same, then he slapped his hand on mine. How fricking cool! Then, the Pièce de résistance, "blow kisses", and he put his little hand up to his mouth and went "bwwaaaaah!". A trifecta of cute baby tricks!
We demonstrated Trent's new understanding to daddy as soon as possible and he was equally dazzled. What's crazy is how excited I am when Trent does some seemingly simple thing that I would normally pass off as no big deal when other parents tell me their kids did that. I would think "yay for you, your little human is doing basic human things, you must be very proud" (note the air of sarcasm here). But now MY little human is doing basic human things, I'm fricking dazzled! I'm THAT lady, who's boring the world with animated and excited descriptions of things my kid can do. Whatever, people. Suck it up! I've had to politely nod and appear impressed while you've bored me with things your kid can do. Now it's your turn. Humour me.
During dinner last night, Trent demonstrated his understanding of a couple of signs we've been working on: Eat, drink, more please, and cat. He isn't actually signing back to us yet, but he very obligingly picked up his sippy cup when I signed "drink" to him, picked up a piece of food when I signed "eat" to him, and he actually tried to sign "more please" before pointing to what he wanted and saying "mo mo". Brian and I were both glowing with pride. Who'd have thought that I, of all people, would be so captivated by a damn baby? I thought for sure that my feet would start to feel cold the day that happened ;-)
Green Mac and Cheese
16 hours ago
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