So I might have mentioned this before - I've got more than a little bit of anxiety about our upcoming trip to Europe. Mostly because I've never traveled with a child before and given that our kid is more "active" than most, I think it's going to be a major challenge. I've been reading blogs and web sites that have hints and tips, I've asked all the people I know with kids who might have traveled with a 1 year old over great distances, I've talked to my mum, who assured me things will be alright. Yet still I'm freaking out.
A lot of the advice is to travel during off-peak times and don't take flights during baby's awake time, but that's not practical in this scenario. We're looking at a 10 hour trans-Atlantic flight, plus connections, and a train ride.
Here are my questions: - How do we transport Trent in cars? will we have to take his car seat? What about on a bus/train? Mostly I'm concerned about the Switzerland portion of the trip here.
- What toys are good for travel, fit into a carry on, won't roll under the seat, and are appropriate for a 1 year old?
- Should I wean him from formula so we don't have to pack any?
- What about nappies? do I take a 2 week supply? or can I assume I'll be able to find them in our destinations?
- Can I give him something to mellow him out for the journey? what can I give him?
- How will I handle being "that lady" on the plane with the screaming kid that's pissing off everyone else for 10 hours?
I'm sure I have more. I need to do some more research in order to answer some of these, like checking with Ben to see if we can rent a baby seat, and if there's a place near our hotel to buy nappies, and if there's a store near our hotel in Spain that sells nappies. I guess we'll talk to the doctor at his 1 year appointment to see about the weaning and the drugging him ;-) The rest we'll just have to wing it. I might be pleasantly surprised and it'll be easy, but I have to prepare for the worst case scenario.
1 comment:
you can take car seats with you, they go into the luggage hold. I only know what we give louise from here which is either medised or calpol night. You will definately find nappies i would only take 1 week worth at most then get the rest over there. Toys wise we normally take a bag with a small selection of lou's toys in on the plane. Louise has travelled on journeys 4-12hrs in length and to be honest they surprise you. Just get up from time to time and wander with him, you will find he gets nosey with whats going on
Hope it helps
Mel xxx
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