Trent's been 'talking' a lot lately. At school recently, they reported that he said "bubble". He was chasing bubbles at the time. He's also saying "banana", although it sounds like "na-naanaa" when he says it. At first I was skeptical and passed it off as him just making sounds... he's said "na na na" before. But when I say "banana" his face lights up and he heads for his high chair, because banana is his favourite food, and now he consistently repeats it.
He's using sign language very consistently now. He signs "milk" all the time, even when he's getting water. Which is fine. He's signing "eat" when we ask him if he's hungry, and he's signing either "more" or "please" when he wants more of something. He's signing "thank you" a lot more lately, which still looks like him blowing a kiss and is accompanied by the "Bwaaah!" sound. When we play his sign language DVD, he's rooted to the spot and he tries to copy what the kids on the telly are doing. Sooo cute.
Yesterday, he walked all the way to the car by himself (well, I was there, but not helping him) and this morning he walked all the way from the car to his classroom. I find that I can get him to do anything as long as he can hold the car keys.
Trent likes to sing, or rather, he likes it when you sing to him. He likes "if you're happy and you know it", and he claps his hands in excitement when you do it. And he likes Itsy Bitsy Spider (or Incy Wincy Spider for us Brits), and tries to do the finger movements along with you.
And on last blogworthy thing. He's now sitting in my lap for short periods of time when I read him a story. He's not necessarily still, but it's progress.
Ok... one more thing.... When I picked him up from daycare yesterday, his teacher told me he was really smart.
Awh.... me = proud mum.
Green Mac and Cheese
3 days ago
1 comment:
Awe...he is growing up!
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