After a week at grandma and grandpa's house, the boys (aka Trent and Brian) are now back home. Quick update on Trent's rash... we went to see the dermatologist this morning and she shares my suspicion that the rash was shingles. The reason being that the rash contained itself to a specific muscle group on his body, which is characteristic of shingles. She suspects that it was from the chicken pox vaccine that Trent received. It's not common, but it does happen. The good news is that you generally only get shingles once in your life, and it's much less painful and easier to recover from it as a child, than as an adult. The rash is pretty much gone now. Just a few scabs remaining. Trent doesn't seem to be too phased by it, though now that the rash is healing he indicates that there's some nerve tingling in that region, which is common after shingles. I'm just relieved that it's going away. It's quite alarming to see a rash like that show up on anyone, but when it's your kid, it's a million times more scary!
In other Trent news, he's learning new words every day now. The rate at which he's picking up vocabulary is astounding. Every day he busts out new words that indicate understanding of the world around him. They're not just words he's repeating from hearing us. I'm so impressed with the little guy.
Yesterday I got to babysit Jett for the first time. It was only for an hour while Barbie showed a house, but we got a lot done. See for yourself:
Later on we had a visit from aunt Jen and cousin Ethan. It was so cute to watch the two boys play together. I think Ethan will make such a wonderful big brother ;-)
Green Mac and Cheese
2 days ago