Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bathroom redo part 2

The bathroom is finished! Here's what I did:
  1. Repaired and repainted the walls "Soothing Green Tea"
  2. Installed a new light fixture
  3. Installed decorative shelves
  4. Installed the new sink and cabinet, which consisted of the following steps:
  • Mount faucet to granite counter top
  • Attach sink to counter top using provided hardware
  • Call sink manufacturer for better instructions on how to connect the damn thing to the drain pipe. Sent them pictures via email. Waited for them to respond. No response.
  • Figured out a way to connect it myself by using the parts from old sink and one new $2 piece from Home Depot.
  • Tighten all the connections (Sink to counter, faucet hoses to water supply, drain to wall)
  • Attach granite counter top to the cabinet using silicone
All done. We now have a fully functioning and beautiful sink: