I'm always so amazed at Trent's ability to behave completely normally and go about his business like nothing's wrong when he's sick. I have this trait, as does my mother, and I had always assumed it was a learned trait. But Trent hasn't had the time to learn this. I now wonder if we're genetically coded to either be tough or be a hypochondriac (ok, fine, there might be a few stops in the middle).
Trent woke up on Saturday morning with a low-grade fever and a barking cough. It sounded and acted like croup. But he was his usual mischievous, energetic self. We did some normal weekend activities, such as a run on Saturday morning, followed by playing in the sand pit and splash park at Brushy Creek, and a trip to the grocery store. On Sunday we spent time at the pool, went to the book store where we got some ridiculously good deals on books for Trent, and picked up some big boy underpants for Trent and some other things at Wal-Mart on the way home (more details on the big-boy underpants later).
This morning, Trent's barking cough has turned into more of a hacking cough, and we took him to the doctor. It sounded like we thought - started off as a croup type cough, but turned into an infection and now he has a bunch of green stuff draining down his throat from his sinuses. Poor kid. We have some antibiotics and some breathing treatments to administer for the next couple of weeks. Of course, nebulizing a 2 year old is no small task. We tried it today and realized that we need to actually try to steath-administer while he's sleeping. Not an easy task since the nebulizer sounds like a mack truck idling.
We kept Trent home today since he still had a bit of a fever yesterday and we want to ensure he's not contagious before sending him back to daycare. We also want to make sure he's comfortable, too. It's easy to work with a sick kid when the kid actually behaves like he's sick. At least that's what I've been told by those who know. I wouldn't know since my kid has never acted sick a day in his life.
Green Mac and Cheese
2 days ago
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