Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Xmas2009: Day 2

well today was a little rough. Trent was extremely strong wiled today. He had very definite ideas about what he wanted to be doing and we ended up having a time out in his room where he screamed for 15 minutes while balancing on the top rail of his crib demanding to get out. But he never made it out. After a stand-off he decided to be a good boy for the rest of the day, but he'd already burned through my fuse.

Today we went to the mall and Trent got a look at Santa. He wouldn't sit on his lap, though. Maybe next year. Mum made a funny observation, though: We spend all our lives teaching our kids to not talk to strangers, then at Xmas it all goes out the window as we force our kids, crying, onto some stranger's lap under the guise of Santa.


harada57 said...
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