Today's doctor visit revealed that I am 1cm dilated!
Don't get excited, though. It really means nothing if it's not accompanied by painful contractions. Which it isn't. So while it's progress, the little bugger is hanging in there. If I have been experiencing contractions, then I'm just oblivous to them. I haven't really even noticed much Braxton-Hicks activity, either. Unless Braxton-Hicks feels like The Kid is striking poses in there with all his appendages spread out and shoved into various organs. He does seem to be very, very active lately, and he seems to get the hiccups on an hourly basis. Perhaps I should lay off the Tequila?
Maybe I am having contractions, but I'm such a badass and my pain threshold is so high that it feels like no big deal! Wishful thinking on my part. I'm a huge baby and the slightest bit of pain turns me fetal and crying for my mummy. Can I get my epidural now?
Green Mac and Cheese
3 days ago
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