Monday, June 18, 2007

No progress

Well, my Friday doctor's appointment revealed that The Kid has already picked up some personality traits of his father. He's a procrastinator. This could be good, and bad I suppose. Good because a lazy baby means he'll be far too lazy to be demanding, bad because he's procrastinating on making his grand entrance into the world outside of my body. I'm feeling rather impatient and would like to to quit sharing the real estate in there with him and all my other organs. It's like having a squatter.

So there I was, all ready for some "good" news that maybe that one centimeter from the previous week had progressed a little futher, but no. I guess the The Kid caught a glimpse of the outside world, saw my giant ankles, probably thought they were some kind of weird animal waiting to eat him, freaked out and decided to set up camp. Ok, that might have invoked a visual you weren't prepared for. Sorry!

This part of pregnancy is weird. I don't know if other women feel this way, but I'm having mixed emotions because I am not ready for my life to change so drastically, yet I am interested to meet the little monster that's been poking and kicking at my ribs for the last several months.

Brian is excited. Of course, he doesn't have to go through the indignity and pain of giving birth. I'd do anything to trade places with him right now.

Today I'm going to work out extra hard at the gym and see if I can induce labour a little early :-)

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