My Friday Doctor's appointment revealed that I am now 1.5 cm, and the baby is at zero station. That means that he has dropped and that his head is now down in the pelvis and in position. We are 90% sure he will be here within the next 10 days. It's probably going to be a long 10 days for me because I am SO uncomfortable and I have to pee every five minutes.
Everyone around me is excited. The inquiries as to how I'm feeling are getting more frequent. It's hard for me to describe how I'm feeling, but here goes:
Physically I feel fine. In the mornings I feel best because the weight of the baby hasn't been pushing down on me for hours. I don't even really feel pregnant until I attempt to get up from the couch, or if I bend over. As the day progresses, though, it gets harder to feel comfortable sitting or standing. My feet and hands swell, and the pressure in my lower abdomen increases. By bed time I am in pain. It's not unbearable, but it's a constant ache that extends from the lower abdomen to my ribs and all around my back.
Mentally I'm feeling a little frustrated and mixed up because I want this to be over, but I also want him to stay put a little longer because, selfishly, I am not ready for the responsibility, but, unselfishly, I think having a birthday on July 4th would be cool. Everyone will be in a celebratory mood during his birthday and he'll have many choices in parties to attend.
One of the great advantages our kid will have is that he automatically has dual nationality. He'll automatically be an American because he will be born here, but he will also be British because I am still a British citizen. Brian and I hope that he takes advantage of this and studies and works in Europe some day. With his British passport, he can live and work anywhere in Europe and not have to deal with all the red tape. He's a very lucky boy!
Green Mac and Cheese
3 days ago
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