Yesterday Trent went to the doctor for his 4 month checkup and immunizations. He's hitting all the developmental milestones as appropriate and is in the 25th percentile for height and weight. It's funny because people ask me all the time how old he is, and I say 4 months, and they say what a big boy he is... apparently he's not that big. It must be just something people say, like an automatic response. Kind of like how people always tell you your baby is cute, even if it's not ;-).
Trent was such a brave boy when he had his shots. He only cried for about 20 seconds and then cuddled into my hair and was fine. It's really hard to see your kid cry because of pain. I'm glad it was so brief.
The doctor advised us to start Trent on solid foods now. While there is evidence that waiting to introduce solids will help ensure he doesn't get food allergies, there are no food allergies in either my or Brian's family so the chances are very slim that Trent will be allergic to anything. We're starting with single grain Rice Cereal to minimize any risk of allergies.
The first feeding went surprisingly well. We waited until the last meal of the day, which was right after his bath when he was nice and relaxed. He took to it right away. Never spit it back out and seemed very eager to eat more. After he finished the tiny portion we made for him, we gave him his usual late night feeding and put him to bed.
Trent woke up at 7:30 this morning. That's 10 straight hours of sleeping for him! Imagine my surprise when I woke up and it was light outside and I hadn't gotten up in the night to feed him! This was my first full 8 hours of sleep in many, many months.
A side observation: Trent's colic seems to have subsided quite a bit. He's much easier to handle these days and a week or so ago Brian and I celebrated making it through the rough early months. We feel like we've survived and learned a lot, and can now see the light at the end of what was sometimes a very dark and scary tunnel, dotted with brilliant rays of sunshine along the way.
Green Mac and Cheese
3 days ago
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