It's the holiday season. I'm usually grumpy during this time of year because I can't spend it with my family. In the past 15 years I have spent only one xmas with my family. But this year I have an unusual amount of holiday spirit. Why? because for the first time since I moved away from England, my parents are coming to visit me for xmas! I'm I'm even feeling festive enough to contemplate xmas lights. Yea, you heard right.
This past week was American Thanksgiving and as is the tradition, Brian and I packed up the car and headed to Houston. Only this year we had an extra person to pack for who takes up an entire trunk. Talk about high maintenance! This thanksgiving was particularly special because Kev and Darice came in from Indiana and spent the night with us in Austin. We hit the outlet malls the next day before making our trip to Houston. Trent was an absolute angel on the trip there, and despite some bad weather, we made it there safely and in one piece.
Thanksgiving dinner was awesome as usual. Joan went really gourmet this time and made the most awesome stuffing. It had Italian sausage in it. We did a Guinness Turkey with Rosemary and Garlic pesto under the skin that turned out amazingly well. Although we did manage to set the oven on fire. Thankfully it was contained and we did not end up a holiday statistic or go to the ER. It makes for a good story, though.
Thanksgiving day, my father in law thought he'd be a smart ass and tell me to go ahead and spit my olive pips into the fire. I figured since he was so serious I'd call him out on it. The moral of that story: Don't tell Amanda to do something unless you mean it. ;-) It was pretty funny because when I did it he was mid-sip on his beer and didn't have time to stop me. HEHEHE. That also makes for a good story.
On Friday we went to the mall to brave the holiday shopping crowds and later, as the boys watch football, Darice and I snook away for some girl time and got a pedicure. That was a really nice break. We took some Bauman family holiday pictures by the tree and that evening we went out for a nice Italian dinner. Trent, again, behaving like a perfect angel. It was really cute to watch grandpa taking him to the bar and showing him off to people. You can tell he's really proud of him.
Sadly, Kev and Darice left on Saturday but Brian and I stuck around for another day to maximize the Grandma and Grandpa time with Trent.
The drive back to Austin was much less hairy than the drive to Houston and Trent was once again a really great traveller. We're really proud of the little guy.
Green Mac and Cheese
3 days ago
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