Whatever it was that caused Trent to sleep for 10 hours on Monday was obviously NOT the solid food. Now I'm beginning to think he was a bit under the weather from the immunizations. The reason I think this is because for the past 2 nights he's been waking up every few hours and has been inconsolable. I try not to feed him at night if I can get away with it because I want him to sleep through the night, and he seems to eat out of habit rather than need at this point. But the last 2 nights I had to. That is if I wanted to get any sleep for myself.
To make matters worse, I've come down with some awful cold/flu. It's completely knocked me on my arse. I haven't worked out at all this week. Usually I just power through it and go for my usual runs. I've always felt that running helps flush out all the crap, but this past week I've been all week and achey to even try. Wednesday seemed to be the worst day. I feel marginally better today. It seems whatever I have might have passed on to Brian. He's been complaining of a sore throat today, which is how mine started. Speaking of which, when this thing started, it wasn't a traditional kind of sore throat, you know the one where it's kind of scratchy and sore... it felt more like someone was trying to strangle me. What an awful feeling. I kept putting my hands to my throat to try and loosen something that wasn't there.
The good news is that Trent doesn't seem to be sick. No fever and no evidence of a sore throat, though he does have a snuffly nose. And speaking of snuffly noses, because babies breathe through their noses, and because they can't blow their noses, you have to do it for them. It's gross! I have such a huge problem with snot and bogies. To the point where I almost throw up at the mere mention. Imagine my horror when I had to use a bulb syringe to suck snot out of my kid's nose! Oh. My. God! seriously. Worst thing ever.
Green Mac and Cheese
3 days ago
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