Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy New Year!

It's that time of year again. My favourite time of year, in fact: New Year. The mother of all holidays (for me). I prefer it over all other holidays because of what it symbolizes. Out with the old and in with the new. A time of new beginnings, and a time to reflect on the happenings of the year behind us, rejoice in the victories, learn from the failures, and look forward to all that the universe offers. New year's day is filled with good intentions. We resolve to do something or stop doing something with the aim to generally better ourselves. This year I have no new year's resolutions to speak of. But in in 2009 I hope for the following:

To have the awareness to see the opportunities before me, and the courage to take those opportunities that suit me.

Some of the highlights from 2008:
  • Nothing is more important than the well-being of my kid, and that anything or anyone blocking that mission is going down.
  • I've learned to let go of my need to have a tidy house and have adjusted my tolerance level of mess.
  • I changed jobs, even though I was perfectly happy in my current job. The opportunity presented itself and the signs from "the universe" were received loud and clear.
  • I've made new friends and reconnected with some old friends.
  • Girl's weekend with Kris
  • I can eat a Dove bar every night, and as long as I work out it's ok!
  • Tequila is my frenemy.
  • Eventually, a cat will figure out a way around the child gate.
  • You can smuggle veggies into almost anything, and both husband and kid will be none the wiser ;-)
  • Some day Trent will wake up and see me watching him sleep and get creeped out. LOL!
  • Mineral make up is the only way to go.
  • Johnnie got married!
  • Social networking is fun, but one should always be aware of one's internet footprint.
  • I finally have enough pairs of shoes. Is that really possible?
  • All those cute trousers in my closet are too big, and I'm ok with that. I should get rid of them.
  • Brian has never let a day go by without saying he loves me :-)

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