Thursday, April 30, 2009

a little cheese with that whine?

I have lived a relatively charmed life. I don't have much to complain about at all. And the situation I'm in regarding living thousands of miles and an ocean away from my family is self-inflicted. But somehow, right now, those facts still don't make me feel any better about the fact that I was looking forward to seeing my parents in less than a week, and now I have to wait 7 months to see them. And purely due to circumstances way beyond my control. I'm not just disappointed for me. I'm disappointed for them, too. And for Trent. And on a more selfish note, I was so in need of a holiday. I was so looking forward to relaxing on a white sandy beach, not thinking about work or responsibility. And now it's business as usual. With nothing to look forward to. No plans. No beach. Nothing. I realize this makes me sound terribly spoiled and part of me is thinking "boo fricking hoo mandie, get over it, people are dying of the flu", but I just can't shake it. :-(


tara said...

I completely empathize with you. I'm SO disappointed for you and your family. I agree that whining and complaining doesn't change anything, *but* sometimes it's the only thing to do. Plainly put--the situation sucks. Are you going to take off any of the days that you had originally planned to? Maybe it'd be fun if you and Brian took at least 1 day to enjoy something out of the norm of the work grind. At the very least you should have quac, quesadillas and margarits one night in honor of the mexican spirit. ;-)

Mandie said...

Thanks, Tara :-) It helped to whine a little. You're right, I think we do need to spend at least one day of vacation doing something fun.

Brian said...

I have to say you are taking it better than I would have. I think you need to vent more :)

You are right that it is no ones fault and the timing sucks, but that does not make it an less worse. I will try to help think of something fun to do. I don't mind taking a day or two off to hang out and do fun stuff :) You know I am all about doing anything that gets your mind off the crappy situation.