Despite the weather, though, I enjoyed it immensely.
On Friday evening Brian and I joined 20 of our friends to celebrate Sara's birthday at Ararat, which is a tiny hole in the wall restaurant that serves middle eastern food. They also have belly dancers. The food was excellent, the belly dancing was highly entertaining, and the company was awesome.
On Saturday we finished off our garage project by hanging the bikes and securing a hook and rope to the ceiling to provide more support for Brian's shop vac - it had been hanging by one hook and it looked like it might not hold. Later, Brian went to play raquetball with Mike down at UT and I stayed home and watched a movie and hung out with my sweet kitties. Brian had planned to come home at 7 to watch the UT football game, but ended up being home around 8:30, and feeling guilty for his lateness, took me out to dinner instead of watching the game. We went to the Cheesecake Factory. This was the first time we'd been there since we went with Paula, Steve, and Daniel when they were over last year. We split an entree and then split a slice of vanilla cheesecake. Brian actually did get to see the game a little bit.
On Sunday I got up at the crack of dawn and drove down to Town Lake to join the rest of my HARDCORE running friends for a run in the pouring rain. About a mile into it we had reached saturation. You know, the point where you are so soaked that you can't get any wetter... it was an awesome run, though. I LOVE running in the rain. LOVE IT! As a side note, Brian stayed in bed because he doesn't like running in the rain ;-).
A hot shower and a cup of tea later and I was feeling great. We had ran 6.5 miles, even though our training schedule only called for 3.5.
The rest of Sunday was spent watching movies and I made some awesome noodles with sesame and ginger chicken for dinner.
Green Mac and Cheese
3 days ago
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