It's about that time again. Sunday evening and the weekend is shortly coming to a close. Again I've had an awesome weekend, which started on Friday early afternoon. My department and the test department had a party at Dave and Busters, and so did the development team that I work with (Brian's dept.). So I had two parties to go to instead of working on Friday, which is awesome. Brian and I left around 2:30 and decided to use the extra time by going to the gym to work out. Mike met us at the gym and showed Brian how to use the free weights. I did abs and upper body in prep for my Friday evening "fitness" class.
One of our crew was unable to attend due to being out of town. We did a full review of last week's material, and learned a few more moves. I'm sure she'll be able to catch up very easily. Meanwhile, Brian and his parents met Mike and Tara at Mesa Rosa for happy hour, then came to pick me up and we went out to The Oasis to watch Andi's band, Third Language, play. They were awesome as always. Jenn and Ethan were there, which was an awesome suprise! We met Barbie and Scott, and Scott's parents, Ann and Milt, and later, Bob, Renee, and Jen showed up. The band played until 10pm so after that we decided to go to the Water Tank, which is a dive bar in our neighbourhood. They do Karaoke on the weekends but we didn't arrive in time to get up and sing anything. We had fun hanging out and listening to the bad renditions of songs by other people, though.
On Saturday I helped Barbie pick out paint colours for her office, and helped her figure out what equipment she needed. We also went to Target to look for curtains for her office. I did pick up an awesome pair of jeans from Target and a top from Kohl's. Brian and his parents headed down to the Pican Street Festival while I was out. Brian said it was really crowded. So much for the bad weather we were expecting. When they returned, we got ready and went to dinner at Macaroni Grill, then came home and watched Wallace and Gromit. Neither Brian nor his parents had seen it.
Brian's parents recently went to Greece and they had brought me an awesome bottle of wine back, so we drank that as we watched the movie.
Sunday morning came way too soon. I love Sundays but during marathon training season we have to get up at an ungodly hour. We met Tiffeni at the Starbuck's at 183 and Anderson Mill and made our way to Town Lake. The weather was sunny but not ridiculously hot yet, though the other day we hit a record of 102 degrees which is extremely hot for September. We did two Lamar loops which worked out to be around 6 miles.
After the run and dropping Tiff off, we went home and I made breakfast for everyone, which consisted of cheesy scrambled eggs, homefries, and English muffins with Marmalade. Tiff and Brett came over for breakfast and then Brett left and Tiff, Tara, Brian, and Brian's mum and I went out to meet mike at the boat (and made a trip to Wal-mart) where he was changing the oil. Brian's dad stayed home to do some work.
It was super hot this afternoon and not a cloud in the sky, but the lake was somewhat deserted and we had really good ski water. Brian's mum tried waterskiing and the rest of us did some wakeboarding. The lake was actually warmer than it was the last time we went.
This evening Brian's parents are going to try to head back to Houston so we're going to head out for dinner shortly. Barbie is going to join us for dinner and the current thinking is Outback, though Brett's not working tonight so maybe we'll save Outback for a night that he is working and go some place else tonight. Either way, I'm starvin' and looking forward to some red meat :-)
Green Mac and Cheese
3 days ago
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