According to the latest storm tracker forecasts, hurricaine Rita is headed straight for Texas. Voluntary evacuations have started in Galveston, and as a precaution, Brian's mum is coming to stay with us on Thursday because Houston is in the predicted direct path. Brian's dad, however, is going to stay and take care of the house. Usually hurricaines fizzle out before they reach us because we're so far inland... however, looking at the predicted path, it passes right over Austin and up towards Dallas! This is not good news for Texas. The irony here is that all those victims from hurricaine Katrina that sought refuge in Texas are now going to get hit with yet another one!
If I believed in god I'd think she was playing games purely for her own amusement. What a bitch ;-)
Here's a link to the local forecast:
So in the event that we do get hit, I might consider buying lots of batteries, flashlights, and bottled water, and perhaps put the futon matress under the stairs to make sort of a storm shelter. All our important papers are safely stored at the bank in a safe deposit box. Everything else is covered by insurance. Rest assured that in the event of a life threatening situation, there will be no higher priority to me than Brian and the cats. The rest is just stuff.
Green Mac and Cheese
3 days ago
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