Today I almost burst into tears because I got an e-mail from the Humaine Society... I barely got past the first paragraph before I had to stop reading and just delete it. Heartbreaking!
They talked about how the animals left behind, especially at the shelters, had spent several days just trying to keep their heads above water while still trapped in their cages. This makes me so fricking mad that those selfish bastards at the shelter didn't spare a thought for animals locked up in cages! Why didn't they just set them free to at least have a chance? WHY? selfish pricks!
I guess I shouldn't stand in judgement because I don't know all the facts surrounding it. But it's so damn hard! I just wish I could go there and comfort all the animals and give them all baths and hugs and food and clean water and tell them it's gonna be alright.
Animals are a huge hot button with me. The easiest way into my heart and my wallet is to show me an animal who needs me.
Green Mac and Cheese
3 days ago
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