I've been suffering with edema lately. To put that in lamens terms, it's when your body parts, in my case hands, feet, and ankles, swell up. I am finding that if I spend more than a couple of hours on my feet, my ankles completely disappear and I appear to have a calf that extends down to my foot. Commonly referred to as "cankles". Very unsightly.
In addition to the cankles, my toes are so swollen that they have lost the ability to bend and resemble those little mini sausages you get in a can of beenie weenies. Lovely. I can't fit into any of my totally cute sandals now. Thank the makers of Crocs for the best flip-flops ever! Every pregnant woman needs a pair of crocs. I know they're ugly, but get over yourself and buy some.
When we were in Chicago, I got a weird swelling - it was behind both my knees. Gross! It has only happened once since then, and I can attribute it to my office chair.
My fingers are nice and fat when I wake up in the mornings, too. They tend to decrease in size as the day goes on and I drink lots of water. My wedding ring sure does make a lovely dent in my sausage fingers, though. At least when I have to take it off I won't have to endure the evil stares of the judgemental old ladies at the grocery checkout who notice the absence of a ring and assume you're an unwed mother and doomed to hell! no. I have my wedding ring indentation that clearly tells them that I'm no sinner ;-)
A swift kick in the ribs, anyone?? nobody can ever prepare you for when you're sitting at dinner with your friends, and suddenly, seemingly for no good reason, someone kicks you right in your 3rd rib on the left. I'm not talking a little tap here. I mean the kind that causes you to jump up, swear, and look for the nearest person to retaliate on. Sadly, the person who did it is INSIDE you. In that creepy "The call is coming from inside the house" scary movie kind of way!
Due to the swelling, I drink a lot of water. I'm talking 80 0z a day or more. You can imagine how often that translates into a trip to the toilet.
A penchant for pie - it's not a craving, but more of a preference for pie over anything else that might be available for me to eat. So the lesson here is to NOT have pie in the house. On Saturday morning, I ate blackberry pie and ice cream for breakfast! And I didn't even feel guilty one bit.
I still can't claim to have had any cravings. Brian is feeling a little disappointed because he feels he hasn't been able to come to my rescue as my knight in shining armour, bearing the very thing that I'm craving, at ridiculous hours of the night. I'm still convinced that these stories you hear about women sending their men out in the middle of the night for pickles and ice cream are merely urban legend.
And finally - this isn't really an ailment, but just a sign that I'm getting incredibly bored with being pregnant - I'm very tired of strangers asking me when my baby's due, what it is, and how I feel. I'm thinking of printing up a card to hand out that says:
Thank you for your kind inquiry. I hope this card will satisfy your curiosity:
- It's due on July 4th
- We're hoping it's human
- I'm fine, but my feet are swollen and I need to pee, so much as I'd LOVE to regale you with the details of my pregnancy, I must dash!
bwahahahahaha!!! That card idea cracks me up. Glad the little buggar hasn't affected your sense of humour.
i read the title and thought edema what is she on about. But then realised after reading the first paragraph that you mean't oedema for us brits. The card idea is so funny.
Love ya
Mel xxx
P.S been pricing flights to visit you. £600 each at the moment.
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